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Care & Support

Click on the pages below to find out further information and advice on your health and wellbeing.

Care Community Board

Link to Care Community Board Information

CATCH - Children's Health App

CATCH App – Common Approach To Children’s Health Empowering you to manage your family’s health and wellbeing A free app providing local NHS-approved support and information to parents and carers...


MENTAL HEALTH and WELLBEING SERVICE  Mental Health Practitioners Our MH Practitioners have 20+ years’ experience in secondary mental health care and help bridge the gap between primary and secondary care....

Cheshire East Care Services

If you need care and support or are looking for care homes in Cheshire East, this directory can help you find the right care for you. The directory contains information...

DadPad app

The DadPad was created because babies don’t come with a set of instructions. Developed with the NHS, the DadPad gives new dads and dads-to-be the knowledge and practical skills necessary...

Find NHS services near you

Are you in need of a local dentist, optician, or a pharmacy? Find an NHS service easily by entering your postcode.

Find your NHS number

Your NHS number is a 10 digit number, like 485 777 3456. It is on any letter you receive from the NHS. You do not need to know your NHS...

Memory Problems

Please find below resources and information if you or someone else if suffering from memory problems. Alzheimer’s Society Information for people with dementia and information about the benefits and...

Menopause & HRT

The Menopause – will HRT be a good option for me? The menopause is a natural state that happens as a woman’s natural oestrogen production declines.  Most women will reach...

Mental Health Services

Link to Information on Mental Health Services

Mental health support

Find the right support for you – Mental health services in Cheshire East IAPT – talking therapies (self referral) IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) for adults and older people....


NHS App is a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone, tablet or computer. You can use the NHS app to: Get your...

NHS Health A to Z

Look up information about different conditions and treatments using the NHS Health A-Z.

NHS Live Well

Please use the NHS links for information and advice on healthy living.

Pharmacy First

Link to Pharmacy First Information

Sexual health matters

Free, confidential and convenient testing from Axcess Get tested at home Male or female, young or old, we are all at risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) if we have...

Smoking cessation support

Pharmacy support Smoking Cessation support is offered by Well Pharmacies and Rowland’s Pharmacies. For general enquiries you can ring FREEPHONE – 0800 085 8818. One You Smoking Cessation support is...

Think Pharmacy

Your local Pharmacist can help you decide what medications to keep at home which can help with common conditions like thrush, cystitis and conjunctivitis. They can offer confidential advice and...

Urgent Care Response

Link to Urgent Care Response Information

Useful telephone numbers

Emergency Calls Outside Normal Surgery Hours Out of Hours Service 111 NHS 111 111 For serious emergencies contact the emergency services on 999 Useful Telephone Numbers Health Visitors 0300 123...

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for health. Having enough during pregnancy can reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia and of having a premature baby. Follow your doctor’s advice if told to take...

Health & Care Video Library

There are lots of information and advice videos in the Health and Care Video library funded by the NHS. The videos are reviewed regularly by NHS clinicians to ensure they...

Self care

Did you know that 10 of the most minor ailments seen by GPs can also be treated by you at home? By treating yourself at home you could save a...


Are you looking after or providing support for a relative friend or neighbour? Are you being helped or supported by a relative friend or neighbour? Your GP needs to know...

Date published: 5th February, 2021
Date last updated: 15th November, 2021