We have recently changed our Appointment System. Please click on this link to contact us online.
Consultations are for 10 minutes and are for one patient only and one topic only. Patients may be accompanied by a Carer or interpreter. Chaperones are available if requested. If felt necessary, longer appointments can be requested subject to availability.
Nurse appointments are available to book in advance:- Smears, B12 Injections, Blood pressure checks, Travel vaccinations and Blood tests. Please note blood tests need to have been authorised by a Clinician at the practice or by a hospital consultant before you book an appointment.
Doctors (only) can arrange follow-up appointments for patients up to six weeks ahead where they feel this is necessary eg patients referred for tests/investigations.
Owing to other commitments, the doctor of your choice may not always be available, but all doctors and nurses have access to your up-to-date medical record. See the surgeries page for individual doctor’s working days, or ask at reception.
How to use the Online Consulting service
Patients can complete the Online Consulting Form online via our website. All enquires will be read by a clinician and are then directed to the right appointment resulting in the most appropriate outcome.
You can find more information on how to use the Online Consulting service by visiting the AccuRx website.