Practice training afternoons
Approximately 9 afternoons a year the Practice closes for staff training. On these days the surgery will close at 1.00pm and re-open at 5.00pm.
The pharmacy remains open as usual and is accessible via the fire exit at the side of the building. During these afternoons please request prescriptions online or post through the letterbox by the main entrance. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause but this training is a vital part of the service we provide. In the event of a genuine medical need please ring 111 and you will be advised accordingly.
For 2025 the dates are as follows:
- Tuesday 4th February
- Wednesday 12th March
- Tuesday 1st April
- Wednesday 14th May
- Tuesday 3rd June
- Wednesday 16th July
- Tuesday 9th September
- Wednesday 8th October
- Tuesday 4th November